HUMC Leadership Council Task Force (LCTF)

Dear Members and Friends of Hopewell UMC,

Yesterday, at the Ad Council, I announced the creation of the Leadership Council Task Force (LCTF) to address current challenges and the hopes of our congregation. The role of the task force is to uphold the HUMC vision to stay faithful and committed to our mission to bring hope to our community.

LCTF will focus on three major areas:

1. Finances: How do we diversify our incomes and become a solvent congregation with a balanced budget? What mechanism needs to be put in place to achieve this goal? Do we need new investments? How do we generate incomes other than members' tithes and offerings? What is the room for social media?

2. Mission and Leadership Development: HUMC is a community-oriented congregation. What program should we implement and prioritize to cater to the needs of our congregants and members at large in the community? What resources are needed to accomplish it? What form of administrative model needs to be in place?

3. Strategic Planning: How do we grow our membership, sustain, and maintain the congregation in the next ten years? What leadership is needed? How do we align our facilities to reflect those goals?

LCTF will be composed of 9 members with three assigned to each sub-committee. Its mandate is six months, and it will present its findings and recommendations first at the ad council in September with implementation at the charge conference in October or November.

If you are interested in joining one of the LCTF subcommittees, pls speak to me or Josh in the next couple of weeks. A personal invitation will also be sent to some of you.

Friends, as we embark on this journey, I invite you to prayerfully consider giving some of your time, skills, and talents to our church. I am so thankful for what you do and will continue to do in the life of our congregation.

Peace and Love,

Pastor Will


“God will provide,” finding the secular and sacred in the lives of Kenyan Christians.