Dear Members and Friends of Hopewell United Methodist Church.

The great William Sloane Coffin once said, What shall it be? What shall we choose: to live half alive and preserve the illusions of a Good Friday world, or live fully alive the Easter truth that Christ is risen, love never dies, not with God, not even with us, and because Christ is risen, we too are risen.

In Easter, life and love are born anew-not just around us, but within us. God’s transforming power of love is seen when caterpillars emerge from cocoons as butterflies, grasses turn green, and flowers push their way through the dirt in search of the sun’s light. There is joy in the air.

I want to invite you to share our Easter Celebrations of New Life at Hopewell UMC, the love of God to humanity, and how Jesus suffers on our behalf in order to reconcile us to God.

On Palm Sunday, April 2nd, we had a parade with the children around the Sanctuary at 10am. At our worship celebration on Sunday, April 9 @ 10 am, the Good News of Easter will be proclaimed through Scriptures, sermons, and joyous music. “Behold, The Lord of Love” is the title of the Easter message. Rich, the Choir, and Mary will lead us in selected Easter celebration songs. Lilies will cover our altar in memory or honor of loved ones.

The Hopewell Council of Churches is planning a wonderful Easter Sunrise Service at 6:00 am at the Highland Cemetery. You don’t want to miss participating in the least one of these festive celebrations of the wondrous love of God. Please make sure to pick up the Easter brochure.

I also want to invite you to share in acts of bringing love through our special Easter Offering. Your generous support in helping us reach our Easter Offering goal of $7000 will be used, to offset the cost of the re-purposing of the sunroom. Please mark on your envelope “Special Easter Offering” for your gift and place it on an offering plate during the worship service. You can choose as well to donate online on our website,

Easter is a celebration of the wondrous love of God. God gives to us through Jesus Christ. Please join us as we share together in proclaiming the joyous Good News: Jesus Christ is risen Today!


Rev. Dr. Willy Mafuta, Ph.D. Th.D


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